"Bright Spots"

May 18, 2017  •  2 Comments

A Yellow Rumped Warbler trying to stay out of the spring snow this morning.


Elizabeth Lansing(non-registered)
Your photography is just beautiful Ariel! I plan to purchase some mugs as gifts at some point and also for myself and my husband Phil. I love your website. I also loved your video on your tiny house. You are an incredible and extremely capable young woman and I am very impressed with how you can understand the workings of all the equipment necessary to live off of the grid and with your ability to express yourself and explain everything so competently and effectively. You sure seem to have a grip on how everything works. Perhaps when I was younger I could have done the same but it seems in the last year or two since having turned 70 and beyond that I am losing my ability to think and recall things as I once did. I am hoping to improve that with healthier eating habits and by taking certain supplements. I have taken supplements on and off most of my life since the hippie days but have to do better at that now as I age. Well, I enjoy all that you are doing and look forward to coming back here now and then. I will check out your blog also! Thanks again for that great video you did on your tiny house on youtube! That is how I found your photography site and blog!! best, Elizabeth
Derek Frampton
precious little one this is...

Your talents are amazing, Ariel:)
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